The beauty of nature — a literal natural beauty. Leaves do become dry and flowers do wither, but that doesn’t change the fact that no matter how many disasters have come that caused them damage or disruption, their beauty always takes over their wounds and flaws esp...

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Puhon translates to “someday” or “in God’s time” in Bisaya, a language from the Philippines. This special expression brings hope and positivity, a glimpse of the possibilities of all that seem impossible, and the limitless dreams of young children. But if the...

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I find hope and resilience in drawing doodles, digital characters, flowers, and cartoons. Almost everytime when I face an uncertain future, I turn to doodling....

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Young people have the potential to become a driving force for good and transform the world into a better place for everyone. We have so much energy, creativity, and zeal that when we stand firm and act on what we passionately believe in, we become catalysts for social c...

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I find hope in our ability to adapt to the challenges that we may face down the road. I am excited that we always have a chance to turn it around and witness a more inclusive and sustainable future!...

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I love taking care of our plants at home. I call them "bunso" or a younger sibling in Filipino. As an only child, I treat my plants as one of my younger brothers. I water them for nourishment, secure them by putting them inside our house when there's bad weather and I p...

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Grass taught me to unite with each other for the power that can face the strom. Flowers taught me how to survive through the hard ground. Bees taught me to work hard. Nature taught me to love everyone on planet....

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“Alam takambang jadi guru” (NATURE IS A TEACHER)

As the saying goes, "Alam takambang jadi guru" - nature is a teacher. There are many life lessons that nature teaches us, such as always being humble (the rice is getting fuller, the more it bends down), never give up (a river that continues to flow even though there a...

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Nature has taught me the value of living simply, generously, and in harmony with others. A seed can grow into a tree with merely water and sunlight. This tree spends its life providing shelter, shade, food, and air for others, such as squirrels and birds. In the same wa...

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Like this little one’s incandescent wing Life already shines brightly Though we do not heed it Though we do not allow it To permeate its existence in this world full of writ and developmental strife It would be enough For us to live incandescently happy If we...

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I believe everything that is treated well will thrive and give you the same treatment. I’ve learned this from taking care of animals and plants....

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Many species are in danger of extinction. This black-faced spoonbill was originally a common species in the wetlands of East Asia, but its habitat has been destroyed by humans for their convenience. Our life is already convenient enough, so please don't take away the ha...

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Global Student Forum

Leaders in the Global North need to make room for the Global south to create sustainable societies by doing so themselves. The responsibility of climate change is often shifted to China and India, even though Australia, Canada and USA - along with many European countrie...

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Global Youth Biodiversity Network

We are living in a social-ecological crisis. Societal values and principles, colored by systemic inequalities, are shaping our economies, policies, and institutions in unsustainable and inequitable ways. The result is an global social-ecological crisis—manifesting in...

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Doughnut Economics Action Lab

Doughnut Economics recognises that human behaviour can be nurtured to be cooperative and caring, just as it can be competitive and individualistic. It also recognises that economies, societies, and the rest of the living world, are complex, interdependent systems that a...

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NDN Collective

What if the best times are ahead of us? What if the only “back” we’re going towards is back into our bodies, into our ancestral ways, into our spirits, into the Earth? What if we could imagine again? Dream again? Climate asks us how we want to weather the futur...

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What do students think about sustainability and education?  We asked just under 7000 students from around the world. Here are a few of the results from our survey Students, Sustainability and Education 2020: 92% agreed that sustainable development should be universa...

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The Grandmothers’ Gift of Fibrous Yarning

This gift comes from an ancestry of strong women. Across continents and generations, they’ve been weaving and sewing the fabrics that sustain life while crafting subversive stories. We pick up the stitches cast by our grandmothers, which they’ve inherited from thei...

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Finding connection in Conversations with Rain

Cup your hands over your ears, pause. listen. Notice overlapping sounds of sea, cave, sense, time, r a i n Now pick up two pencils, one in each hand, and use them to make the Sound of Rain with repeated marks falling onto the page. What if listening were an artwor...

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LOAM: A fertile soil that nurtures growth

A good book has the power to change the global conversation, reshape social ecosystems, and heal our Earth. Print publishing is a sacred practice in building accessible blueprints for seeding equitable, liberatory, and just futures. How can we nurture a social cli...

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